"Science In and For Society"

Toulouse Initiative for Research's Impact on Society

TIRIS – Toulouse’s Initiative for Research Impact on Society, – aims to mobilise and strengthen the scientific excellence of the Toulouse region to address the key environmental, economic and human challenges by developing innovative ways for the academic community to interact and act with and for society.

Michael-Toplis-président UT©-Lydie-Lecarpentier

The TIRIS project is a catalyst for the transformation of the Toulouse site, a testing ground for exploring other ways of working together in order to be a visible, impactful and attractive academic player in the world of the 21st century.

Mike Toplis, President of the Université of Toulouse

Discover TIRIS events

Café zoom TIRIS

Every Tuesday at 12 noon . By video

Do you have any questions about TIRIS, the latest news, the Calls for Proposals, etc.?

Join our TIRIS thematic zoom cafés on Tuesdays at 12 noon to ask your questions.

TIRIS Days 2024

October 16 & 17th, 2024 . Toulouse

Find out more about the full programme


Toulouse Intersciences Days 2024

28 mai 2024 . Toulouse

This new edition of the JIT continues to build a vibrant community for the development of interdisciplinary research…